Goodbye T-Shirts

Goodbye T-Shirts

I started this store in August 2015 with the hope I could raise some money for rescues & other nonprofits. I’m so honoured to say we’ve been ab...

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I don’t pretend to know all the answers when it comes to the pandemic that swept the entire world. At first, when everything shut down, I sat aroun...

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How I selected my charities

How I selected my charities

The number 1 rescue I wanted to raise funds for was obviously Via's rescue, Georgia Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation. They trusted me with my girl ...

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Czr Leash

Dogs on Leashes

If you want your dog to walk calmly at your side, the first thing you should do is shorten the leash. There’s absolutely NO reason your dog should ...

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The "Nanny Dog"

The "Nanny Dog"

So this might not be my most popular post, but I think it’s a conversation that needs to happen. Historically there actually wasn’t a dog ever know...

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About Our Training

About Our Training

I know that styles of training tend to always hit phases in popularity, I can't say I necessarily have a mentor or style of training that I adhere...

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We're Back!!!

We're Back!!!

I shut down everything on social media really abruptly. Some people knew what happened, but the greatest problem I faced at the time was that I jus...

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Team Goals

Team Goals

I never expected Czr to go viral. As people started asking for items, my creative juices started flowing, and at the point of relaunch here in lat...

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What's in a name?

What's in a name?

Many people are completely unaware bylaws frequently identify the “pit bull” is not a breed, but a variety of breeds/mixed breeds that produce a ...

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